Did you know The Protectors was a comic? I didn't. But the site administrator at The Complete Gerry Anderson Comic History
did. When they labeled that site complete they weren't kidding. (The administrator also provided me with pictures for this
site, includeing the cover above. There is much more top notch details on many Anderson comics at their site, see the links
page.) Gerry Anderson was a major producer. His second picture was marked as bigger than Bond before it even opened. Naturaly
the comics wanted to get in on the craze. Begining with Fireball XL5 a comic was published called TV Century 21 that was created
exclusively to feed the publics interest in Anderson's work. This worked fine for about seven years untill the death of Supermarionation
and Anderson's shift into live action film making. A seperate comic (Joe 90 Top Secret) had merged TV Century 21 and it was
renamed TV21. When UFO reached TV screens the set up was relabeled Countdown. Then came The Protectors. Scrapeing the comic
altogether under the impresion Anderson was droping sci fi they started a new comic... TV Action. Which featured comics on
Hawaii 5-0, Mission: Impossible and of course The Protectors. The strips charcoal black and white look lent exactly what the
show needed. A darker, tougher nature. For more information, see the links page to visit The Complete Gerry Anderson Comic
The comic history generosly donated a full seven page story called "The Dodo is Dead". The Protectors are hired
to guard a rare bird... Enough talk! Read away!

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